The term "chemical peel" might sound intense - but don't let it intimidate you! Chemical peels are a safe, effective way to remove the top layer of skin, revealing younger, fresher skin underneath. They can be used to:

  • Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth

  • Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging

  • Improve the appearance of mild scars

  • Treat certain types of acne

  • Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills

  • Improve the look and feel of skin

We offer several types of medical-strength peels, each designed to address a specific skincare concern. If you're unsure which you'd like to try, schedule a skincare consultation. Our expert aestheticians will design a treatment plan that will most effectively meet your needs. . 

SkinMedica® Illuminize

Illuminize Peel®, the gentlest SkinMedica® Peel is appropriate for first-time, chemical-peel patients, patients with mild skin imperfections or patients who are looking for brighter, more radiant skin with no downtime. It is appropriate for all skin types. 

For maximum results, the Illuminize Peel® can be received every two weeks until desired results are achieved. Results are cumulative and optimal benefits are seen with a series of three or more peels.

$100 | BOOK NOW

SkinMedica® Vitalize

Vitalize Peel® is appropriate for patients with mild-to-moderate skin imperfections that result from skin aging and sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture. Vitalize Peel®treatments also address skin unevenness that can be caused by acne scarring or other pigmentary changes.

After the Vitalize Peel®, patients will notice an improvement in the appearance of overall skin condition, diminishment in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothness of skin texture, more even skin color, and improved skin clarity.

Vitalize Peel® treatments can be repeated every 3-4 weeks. Multiple treatments may be required to achieve desired results. The number of treatments is based on initial level of skin damage, and can vary from 3 to 6. The effect of the peel is cumulative and results are favorable when the peels are used in conjunction with SkinMedica® daily product regimen.

$155 | BOOK NOW

SkinMedica® Rejuvenize

Rejuvenize Peel™ is appropriate for patients with moderate to severe skin imperfections that result from skin aging and sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture. Rejuvenize Peel™ also address skin unevenness that can be caused by acne scarring or pigmentary changes. 

The degree of peeling may vary depending on the individual’s skin condition and degree of the damage. Peeling can range from mild flaking to peeling in sheets. Regardless of the amount of peeling, the skin is still sloughing off at an accelerated rate, which will result in the following benefits: improvement in the appearance of skin tone and texture, smoothness of fine lines and wrinkles.

After a Rejuvenize Peel™ treatment, patients will notice an improvement of overall skin condition, diminishment in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothness of skin texture and more even skin color and improved skin clarity. The Rejuvenize Peel™ can be repeated every 4-6 weeks until desired results are achieved. The number of treatments is based on initial level of skin damage, and can vary from 3 to 6. The effect of the peels is cumulative and results are more favorable when the peels are used in conjunction with a SkinMedica® daily product regimen.

$185 | BOOK NOW

Glycolic Peel

Glycolic acid peels are a popular treatment for wrinkles and acne. Part of the alpha hydroxyl family of natural ingredients, glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and is a fruit acid. When applied to the skin, it helps to remove the “glue” that holds the older, rougher and dryer skin on the surface. When it removes that top layer of skin, the fresh, new layer is visible. It’s this layer that’s without damage and which looks fresher.

People who have glycolic acid peels are often amazed with the results – they look younger, with fewer fine lines and wrinkles and if they have acne, they often notice their skin is quite a bit less oily and is much clearer. Like all chemical peels, best results are typically seen after a series of 3 or more treatments. 

$65 | BOOK NOW

Lactic Peel

One of the gentlest chemical peels is a lactic acid peel. Unlike a glycolic acid peel or a salicylic acid peel, a lactic acid peel is extra gentle and good for even the most sensitive skin.

Lactic acid is derived from sour milk. It’s an alpha hydroxy acid like glycolic acid, but is much gentler and helps the skin maintain its ideal PH factor.

Lactic acid peels help to remove germs, dead cells and toxins from the skin. People who have them done often report that their skin feels much smoother and looks more toned than before.

Lactic acid peels are best for people who have very sensitive skin that might not be able to tolerate the slightly more intense glycolic acid peels. Although lactic acid peels are gentler, they usually provide many of the same benefits as the other peels, but in a less intense version. Like all chemical peels, best results are typically seen after a series of 3 or more treatments. 

$65 | BOOK NOW

Salicylic Peel


Before + After

Salicylic acid is often used as an ingredient in products that provide care for acne and those that are used for exfoliating purposes. In these products, the salicylic acid concentration is usually limited to less than 5%.

Salicylic acid is also found in chemical peels. In this formulation, salicylic acid might be found in a concentration of up to 30%. When used in a chemical peel, salicylic acid is successful at reducing fine lines and wrinkles and diminishing the look of whiteheads and blackheads. A series of these peels can improve the overall evenness and tone of the skin.

$65 | BOOK NOW

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel

SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel

SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel