Are You An Excessive Sweater? This Treatment Might Be the Answer.

There’s a difference between sweating and excessive sweating. And for some, the latter can’t be fixed with even the toughest prescription-strength antiperspirants. Embarrassing, visible sweat. Unruly odor and stained clothes. The underarms can be a source of frustration for many. Whether you feel like a human furnace at all times or ruin shirt after shirt with sweat stains even dry cleaners can’t tackle, excessive sweating is an everyday challenge that’s hard to disguise and impossible to ignore. But there’s good news: a solution.

In fact, it’s a nonsurgical solution. MiraDry® is a one-time treatment that uses microwave energy to target and destroy your underarm’s sweat and odor glands. The FDA-approved procedure is permanent, which means that sweat, odor and hair are all gone for good.

Is it right for me?

If you have an hour or two to spare and want a long-term solution to underarm sweating, then yes, miraDry® is right for you! It permanently reduces both odor and sweat in just one session. It might also be right for you if you want to stay away for antiperspirants and deodorant all together, whether they cause irritation or just aren’t effective.

What do I need to know?

Only 2 percent of your sweat glands actually exist in your underarms, but those can cause major problems. Using thermal energy technology, the miraDry® system targets those active sweat glands and destroys them, which means you’ll experience less perspiration and odor. You’ll still perspire elsewhere, but you’ll be able to save your shirts! More than 100,000 treatments have been performed worldwide.

What happens during the procedure?

Your underarm treatment area will be marked and numbed in preparation. Using a miraDry® hand piece placed directly on your skin, thermal energy will be activated, and you might feel some suction. The energy is then delivered, destroying sweat and odor glands. The visit will usually last about an hour, and you will see results after one procedure.

Can I expect any downtime?

Little to no downtime can be expected. You’ll receive local anesthesia in underarms for comfort, and while a little soreness, swelling or bruising might occur, most patients can return to regular activity immediately after the treatment. Within several days, you can resume exercising.

What are the results like?

In short: they’re lasting! Once the miraDry® treatment eliminates the sweat, odor and hair glands, they’re gone for good. In fact, the treatment has one of the highest patient satisfaction ratings on and clinical studies continue to show an average of 82 percent in sweat reduction.

Contact us to book a consultation with our team. We’ll answer all of your questions and help determine the right protocol to achieve your sweat-free results!

Megan O'Neill